
Cheers to Belief

Last night I was writing in my journal about growth, underestimating opportunities and those pitfalls, and having faith in yourself and your friends.

I've been practicing the Law of Attraction in my journal this weekend, as well.

I wrote:

"The money is coming. It is on its way to me right now.

And The Universe said even MORE is on its way.

I know this."

I drew little pictures in my journal --something I never did until last night. I got out highlighters and drew big, fat green dollar signs and arrows pointing straight toward me as I stood in one of my "Me Moment" poses. I think everyone should have a Me Moment; just a moment when they can assume a powerful pose and glorify in their own abilities. It started out as a playful, silly joke among some friends, but I still use it years later and it really boosts my confidence.

Mine is the Superman pose: feet planted shoulder-width apart, hands on my hips, looking up towards the sky as if I were unconquerable, which I am. I imagine I'm wearing a cape and it's flowing behind me. The cape is important. Superman fought for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Mine is my mantle of Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love.

So there's this little stick figure picture of me in my Me Moment, with huge money barrelling straight towards me. The caption beneath it is, "That's totally my Destiny!"

And drawing it had really charged me with emotion. I knew in my soul it was right, and real. I went to bed and fostered those feelings.

This morning just before 09:30 I received a phone call from people wanting to give me over three hundred dollars, and I just needed to confirm my mailing address.

People say the Universe works in mysterious ways. Some say that God works in mysterious ways. I say the Universe is conspiring to shower us with blessings every single day, and it's only a mystery if we don't understand how simple it really is to Conceive what we want, Believe it's possible, and then go out and Achieve it.

It's as simple as visualizing it as already being yours. The Law of Attraction works.

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